Read about Job Search Skills
We are pleased to offer a selection of articles about job search skills. These articles are drawn from prior Career Connections newsletters. In addition to the advice that we offer, the articles provide links to a variety of external websites. We hope this will help with your efforts to find employment.
In addition, remember that Career Centers offer free advice and assistance with resumes, cover letters, etc. For more information about area Career Centers, have a look at the St. Mark's Career Advising Services page.

Having a good resume is a vital part of the job search process. Ultimately, you may end up with multiple, somewhat different versions of your resume, each suitable to a job to which you're applying. This article provides details on how to proceed.

Often, if you do well during an interview, you'll be asked to provide a list of people who can talk about your skills and prior work &/or study experiences. This article offers advice on how to appropriately create these reference lists.

Sometimes, if we lack a few specific skills that an employer is seeking, identifying and talking about our transferable skills (skills that are useful in many different kinds of settings) can help us snag the job. Read on for more information.

Negotiating salary & other terms of a job offer can make many people uncomfortable -- but negotiation is a vital skill and prospective employers won't be surprised if you try to negotiate. This article offers helpful information & some important pointers.

Your Social Media Footprint
This article is coming in March!

Cover Letters, though sometimes optional, are also an important part of the job search process. A cover letter allows you to expand on the information provided in your resume, and to do that in several interesting ways that may help you get an interview.

Anything you can do to set yourself apart from other job applicants (in a positive way) is important. Sending thank you messages after an interview doesn't take much time and is a vital professional courtesy.

The interview process and the workplace are intended by law to be free from discrimination. That means that during interviews, certain types of questions can't be asked. Read this article to become better informed about your rights.

Customer service involves offering support to people who buy products and/or receive services. The provision of customer service is part of many jobs, and is a skill that requires knowledge and having a calm, problem-solving temperament. Read the article for more details.

When you hopefully get to the interview stage in your job search, you need to be prepared. That means knowing about the organization to which you've applied, and being able to offer a positive impression of your skills, character, and personality.

Gaps in Employment (and other types of gaps) are periods when we weren't working or studying. If the gaps were long, prospective employers may ask about them. Here's advice on how to talk about these "gaps".

If you're considering a career change, new educational path, or entering the job market for the first time, you may want to arrange a couple of informational interviews to learn about potential options. This article has a lot of helpful tips.

Workplace Annoyances
This article is coming in February!